Spoleto: A Fascinating Journey through History, Art and Unique Beauty


Spoleto, a jewel set in the Umbrian hills, represents an extraordinary fusion of over 2000 years of history, art and culture. Its international events and artistic wealth make it a unique place, enveloped by evocative natural landscapes and rich artistic heritage.

Millennial History

Spoleto's history spans ancient and medieval times. From an important fortified centre of the Umbrians to a Roman colony and municipality, the city experienced the rule of Theodoric, King of the Visigoths, and the Byzantine Belisarius. After being rebuilt by Narses, it became the capital of the Longobard Duchy and was the scene of clashes between Guelphs and Ghibellines. Conquered and rebuilt by Albornoz, Spoleto became a vital centre for the Papal State, eventually joining the new Italian State.

Artistic and Cultural Highlights

The scenery of Spoleto presents itself as a living work of art, interweaving epochs and architectural styles.The historical centre, with Roman traces and an intact medieval structure, boasts monuments such as the Arch of Drusus and Germanicus, the Roman theatre, the basilica of San Salvatore (UNESCO heritage site), the Roman bridge and the amphitheatre from the 2nd century AD.

The Duomo, the main monument, combines Romanesque forms and later interventions, housing frescoes by Pinturicchio and a cycle of extraordinary frescoes by Filippo Lippi. Churches such as Sant'Eufemia, San Domenico, San Nicolò and San Ponziano offer a journey through time between Romanesque and Gothic.The sculpted facades of St. Peter's and views of the majestic Bridge of Towers.

Surrounding experiences

The sacred forest of Monteluco, an ancient refuge for anchorites, is a natural and spiritual oasis. Places like Villa Redenta, the Teatro Nuovo 'Gian Carlo Menotti', the State Archaeological Museum and the Diocesan Museum offer further immersion in the history and art of the region.