EaT Spoleto

EaT Spoleto – Food and Wine in the Theatre. When Food and Entertainment Become Art

In the heart of the picturesque city of Spoleto, in the evocative setting of Caio Melisso and the Teatrino delle 6, a unique event came to life in 2022: ‘EaT Spoleto – Enogastronomia a Teatro’. An intense four days, where the stage is transformed into a complete sensory experience, harmoniously blending the theatre of food with the magic of artistic performances.

The peculiarity of EaT Spoleto lies in its ability to harmoniously combine two apparently distant worlds: food and wine and theatre. The stage of the Caio Melisso and the Teatrino delle 6 becomes the crossroads of refined flavours and engaging performances, where audience and actors share the same table.

The four-day event offers a complete show, involving spectators in a multi-sensory experience that stimulates both palate and mind. The synergy between food and spectacle is palpable as gourmet dishes merge with artistic performances, creating a unique blend of taste and creativity.

The festival is not limited to a mere gastronomic and theatrical exhibition, but aims to actively involve the audience. Here, spectators and actors come together side by side, sharing the excitement of performance and the joy of good food. The distinction between actor and spectator vanishes, leaving room for a collective experience that brings people together through food, wine and performance.

The event was conceived with the aim of becoming a tradition rooted in the cultural fabric of Spoleto, offering each year a unique opportunity to celebrate food and wine and theatre. The collaboration with the Municipality of Spoleto is fundamental to ensure the growth and sustainability of the event over time.


“EaT Spoleto – Enogastronomy at the Theatre” presents itself as an innovative and engaging experience, a festival that embraces the culinary and theatrical arts in a unique way, making the city of Spoleto the perfect stage for this annual celebration of gastronomy and theatre. A perfect marriage of tradition and modernity, where food and theatre come together to create an unforgettable experience for all the senses.


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  • August1778 says:

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